Ted Cruz – Stands against life saving Vaccine

Home » Ted Cruz – Stands against life saving Vaccine

I love the Aussies. Their history of rugged independence is legendary; I’ve always said Australia is the Texas of the Pacific.

The Covid tyranny of their current government is disgraceful & sad.

Individual liberty matters.

Ted Cruz

G’day from Down Under @tedcruz. Thanks for your interest in the Territory. I’m the Chief Minister. Below are a few facts about COVID down here.

Hey @tedcruz, g’day from the Northern Territory in Australia. Here are some facts.

Nearly 70,000 Texans have tragically died from COVID. There have been zero deaths in the Territory.
Did you know that?

Vaccination is so important here because we have vulnerable communities and the oldest continuous living culture on the planet to protect.
Did you know that?

We’ve don whatever it takes to protect the Territory. That’s kept us safe AND free. We have been in lock down for just eight days in 18 months. Our businesses and schools are all open.
Did you know that?

We don’t need your lectures, thanks mate. You know nothing about us. And if you stand against a life-saving vaccine, then you sure as hell don’t stand with Australia.

I love Texas (go Longhorns), but when it comes to COVID, I’m glad we are nothing like you.

Michael Gunner