Have Evangelical Christians sold out?

Home » Have Evangelical Christians sold out?

You get a person that had a cameo in soft-porn, multiple marriages and affairs, promotes racism, misogyny and torture. Someone who not only admitted to, but bragged about being a sexual predator. Was charged with running fraudulent charities to divert monies for his personal use. Filed multiple bankruptcies leaving many without payment, then bragging about it? Opened a school misleading students which finally had to close as part of a settlement and is a failed real estate investor. He insults, belittles and makes up childish names for individuals he does not like, going as far as to insult their wives and parents. Calls service men and women who died fighting for their country losers. Is someone who verbally attacks and insults women and disabled or handicapped people. Has repeatedly attacked and criticized democracy, promotes and encourages violence, obstructs justice, praises dictators and is an authoritarian as commander in chief openly saying the U.S. should have a President for life. Calls experts idiots openly saying he trusts dictatorial enemies rather than his own military or agencies. All while narcissistically and constantly exaggerating his own worth or abilities telling people how great he is, that no one has ever done what he’s done and only he can fix everything. Meanwhile at least 34 people and entities have been charges with crimes, several have pleaded guilty and more are in prison.

The RNC, comparing him to Jesus, hailed him as the ‘New King’. He declared himself, while looking to the heavens, to be the ‘chosen one’ and openly said there is no need to ask ‘god’ for forgiveness about anything. Yet people act like he is their ‘Christian’ leader chosen by ‘god’.

But the good news is, now you get to hear christians saying ‘Merry Christmas’ like a big F-U or middle finger to the world while pretending they are following the teachings of ‘Christ’? Still proud of this person and beaming with joy at the opportunity to follow or serve him, many taking selfies next to his golden image. Is this individual and golden idol (?) their representative, image, example and leader of the theocratic christian nation they are hoping for?

Genuine social influence will not come by putting Christ back into Christmas; it will come by putting Christ and his priorities back into Christians.