Hateful Emails

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Has any of us noticed how many have become so vile in their comments and opinions of the opposition. Often many of these are supposed religious people often using the most hateful rhetoric, spreading lies and gossip via email.

Too often they are so completely against someone they forego reason and buy into any nonsense that confirms their predisposed opinion. But why spread lies and hate? Why completely disregard truth and revel in spreading gossip? Why be that way at all; have we forgotten these are people too? Have we forgotten we are not any better than the people we condemn?

Often emails with hate rhetoric are examples of scare tactics to be used on a specific group of people, the religous, the so-call Christians.

The plan is simple, the deceiver finds an enemy, someone to hate, someone to point at, someone to accuse for all the perceived problems and injustices (whether true or not is irrelevant). Then the deceiver invents lies by way of articles, stories, rumors, gossip and adds just enough truth to make it sound believable. Then they use this to get the people riled up. Finally whenever someone disagrees call them ‘unpatriotic’ or ‘unchristian’, call them ‘baby killers’ and ‘liars’ even though they are the true deceivers. Call them socialists and communists and say they’re ruining the country. Fight the perceived opponent (enemy) regardless of the merit or benefit their plan may bring.

They survive by hate and fear rather than thoughtful reason and discussion.

They raise armies of believers though this hate and fear.

It’s been done before; it’s being done now; it will be done again.

  • Do we spread gossip?
  • Do we spread lies?
  • Do we spread hate?
  • Do we know there is no difference between an email full of lies and hate which you forward and a letter you write? In both cases the gossip and are coming from you.
  • Why would we dare to claim any morality and spread such hate.

“Funny, I’ve always believed that the world is what we make of it.”