A conversation between Protagoras and Socrates

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A conversation between Protagoras and Socrates (4th Century B.C.)   

  • Protagoras: Truth is relative. It is only a matter of opinion.
  • Socrates: You mean that truth is mere subjective opinion?
  • Protagoras: Exactly. What is true for you is true for you, and what is true for me is true for me. Truth is subjective.
  • Socrates: Do you really mean that? That my opinion is true by virtue of its being my opinion?
  • Protagoras: Indeed I do.
  • Socrates: My opinion is: Truth is absolute, not opinion, and that you, Mr. Protagoras, are absolutely in error. Since that is my opinion, you must grant that it is true according to your philosophy.
  • Protagoras: You are quite correct, Socrates.