Trump and the people hired

Home » Trump and the people hired

Donald Trump said he would “surround myself only with the best and most serious people” – and “We want top-of-the-line professionals.”

  • John Bolton [former U.S. national security advisor], who worked in the Trump administration – ‘wacko and a sick puppy.’
  • Jeff Sessions [former U.S. attorney general], hired by Donald Trump – ‘mentally unqualified.’
  • John Kelly [former White House chief of staff], hired by Donald Trump – ‘way over his head.’
  • Rex Tillerson [former secretary of state], hired by Donald Trump – ‘dumb as a rock.’
  • Wilbur Ross [former Commerce Secretary], hired by Donald Trump – ‘past his prime’
  • Ronny Jackson [second pick to be the Secretary of Veterans Affairs] – hand picked by Donald Trump had to withdraw

Barely 1 1/2 years into Trump’s term in office 57% of his ‘best and most serious people’ have left the White House.

“The one that matters is me, I’m the only one that matters. Because when it comes to it, that’s what the policy is going to be.”

– Donald Trump